Tradition &

Seniors Present Lively Foreign Language Plays

As a culmination of years of study in their language of choice, today the seniors staged four short but lively productions of classic tales with dialogue spoken entirely in the languages they have learned. This annual tradition celebrates the student’s accomplishments by allowing them to actively share their skills with their peers, parents, faculty, and staff through an entertaining afternoon of theater.

The Spanish class opened with a hilarious version of Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote, the story of a Spanish noble on a mad quest to become a knight. In addition to acting, the Spanish students created their own unique and detailed costumes. The German students followed with a lively performance of The Bremen Town Musicians, a classic Grimm fairy tale about four animals who become musicians after being neglected and mistreated by their masters.

Ratatouille, a charming story of a mouse with a dream of becoming a chef was performed next by the French students Finally, our international students, performing as a separate group for the first time, humorously presented the classic folk tale, The Emperor’s New Clothes (in English), about a vain emperor who is tricked into wearing make-believe clothing.

Congratulations to the Seniors for their great performances! To learn more about our language department and other academic disciplines, click here.

Posted in High School News