Tradition &

Waldorf Watch: Heifer Experience

The week of October 30th, our 7th And 8th Graders spent some time at Heifer Farms International where they had the opportunity to experience how others around the world live. You can read more about their experiences here. Below see quotes about the trip from our students and photos from the week.

“This experiment gave me understanding of others’ lives, but not only did that give me maturity and knowledge but it also gave me value that I desperately needed to understand just how lucky I am.  So all I have to say is thank you, I am truly grateful for everything you have given me!”

“When I came I thought I needed to go back to Glen Brook.  The thought of sleeping in a shed with only one central heater was crazy scary.  But in a couple more hours it changed, playing games that made us bond, living in poverty and only getting small amounts of food to understand how people live.  Not only did Heifer give me an experience to remember, but gave me an opportunity to be thankful for what I have and cherish every moment.”

“This experience in Heifer, was really cool and challenging.  I liked that we got to experience how people in different country’s live and take care of each other.  It took us (Poland) about 3 hours to build a fire and cook food, but it was really nice to see and live just like other people around the world.  And this experience taught me more about people all over the world and how they live and to care much more.”

“My experience at Heifer was about how even though I have a couch with a TV in front of it, or food that I sometimes don’t even finish, there are people out their like Peru and Guatemala that have to sleep on the floor and are crowded in one room with a family of 10 people.  So even though I’m not required to write this I want to say that I will TRY my best to be grateful of what I get, to help those in need, and to help Heifer so those who need a goat or sheep could get one.”

“This experience taught me that people can change the world and make a difference.  I also experienced what it like to live in different parts of the world that made me think how spoiled we are.”

Posted in Waldorf Watch